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  • 30th Annual Conference of the Italian Society of Public Economics. "Private Information and Aggregate Risk Sharing", September 2018. Padova, Italy. Paper (earlier version)

  • 2018 International Conference on Economic Theory and Applications. "Private Information and Aggregate Risk Sharing", July 2018. Chengdu, China. Paper (earlier version)

  • Law and Society Annual Conference. "The Global Financial Crisis: A Crisis of the Financial System?" Toronto, June 2018. Slides

  • Public Economic Theory 2018. "Default and Punishment with Systemic Risk", Hue, Vietnam. June 2018. 

  • University of Kent. "Blockchain as a memory technology." November 2017.

  • University of Kent. "Private Information and Business Cycle Risk Sharing." June 2017.

  • University of Nottingham, Macroeconomics Seminar Series. October 20, 2016."Financial Macroeconomics with Complete Business Cycle Risk Markets".

  • The 34th Cambridge International Symposium on Economic Crime. September 4-11, 2016. University of Cambridge. "Substitutable Tax Shields".

  • 8th Conference on Growth and Business Cycles in Theory and Practice. July 7-8, 2016. University of Manchester. "Financial Macroeconomics with Complete Business Cycle Risk Markets".

  • RAND Corporation Cambridge. June 9, 2016. "How to Reform the FPC".

  • Centre for Economic Growth and Policy Conference 2016. May 14-15, 2016. University of Durham. "Financial Macroeconomics with Complete Business Cycle Risk Markets".

  • University of Cambridge Macroeconomics Lunch Time Seminar Series. April 20, 2016.

  • Taxation in the Digital Age: the BitCoin Case. April 12, 2016. University of Ferrara. Ferrara, Italy. "If Money is Memory, is BitCoin an Elephant?"

  • University of Bath. Economics department seminar. February 24, 2016. "Systemic Risk Markets and the Financial Accelerator".

  • University of York. Macroeconomics group seminar. November 24, 2015. "Systemic Risk Markets and the Financial Accelerator".

  • Sheffield Workshop in Macroeconomics. June 11-12, 2015. Sheffield, UK. "Project Risk Bearing and Employment Volatility".

  • Royal Economic Society Conference 2015. March 30 - April 1, 2015. Manchester, UK. "Disputes, Debt and Equity".

  • Society for Nonlinear Dynamics in Economics 23rd Symposium. March 19-20, 2015. Oslo, Norway. "Systemic Risk Markets and the Financial Accelerator".

  • University of Glasgow, Adam Smith Business School Macrotheory Seminar Series. February 26, 2015. Glasgow, UK. "Disputes, Debt and Equity".

  • Western Economic Association 11th International Conference. January 8-11, 2015. Wellington, New Zealand. "Disputes, Debt and Equity".

  • Money Macro and Finance Annual Conference. September 17-19, 2014. Durham, UK. "Debt, Disputes and Equity".

  • Reserve Bank of New Zealand Staff Seminar. December 20, 2013. Wellington, New Zealand. "Debt, Disputes and Equity".

  • New Zealand Productivity Commission and the New Zealand Institute for the Study of Competition and Regulation - Reaching the Regulatory Frontier. July 8, 2011. Wellington, New Zealand. "Policy Considerations for the New Zealand Gas Industry".

Cambridge Symposium for Economic Crime
Cambridge, September 2016

Centre for Economic Growth and Policy Conference

Durham, May 2016

Taxation in the Digital Age

Ferrara, April 2016

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